One method that I've used is with cordova-cli. You can point cordova-cli
to use a local copy of a particular platform implementation. So, I would
clone down and check out the 3.0 branch for cordova-ios, android, etc.
Create a project with `cordova create tmp`. Edit tmp/.cordova/config.json
so it has this structure:


So in the above example, I am telling cordova-cli to look under
/Users/fil/src/cordova-android for cordova-android and use it instead of
what comes standard with cordova-cli.

Then if I run:

`cordova platform add android`

It will use my custom location for cordova-android to create a project. At
that point, I can `cordova plugin add` to
install any of the core broken-out plugins.

On 6/25/13 2:10 PM, "Steven Gill" <> wrote:

>Hey Don,
>Currently, all of the platform repos have 3.0 branches. These branches
>the plugins ripped out. You can run the usual creates scripts for each
>platform to create a project. You would then use plugman to install the
>plugins into your created projects.
>Anis is working on a discovery mechanism for plugins currently.
>You can take a look at
> to see
>how we have been testing all of the plugins.
>On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Don Coleman <>
>> Has anyone documented the process for building Cordova 3.0 for
>> I see all the cordova-plugin-* repos.  Is there a base project with
>> scripts?

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