Not sure if this is doc'ed anywhere, I looked on the wiki but I didn't see

Currently the order of events for page-load/cordova start-up is this (on
windows phone):
1.) onDOMContentLoaded
2.) onPluginsReady
3.) onNativeReady
4.) onCordovaReady
5.) onCordovaInfoReady
6.) deviceready

After digging though some old mailing lists I found this mention about the
topic [1].

For plugins on windows phone we need to patch the browser and inject some
scripts so that the xhr will run, this is hard to do if onPluginsReady gets
fired before onNativeReady because we have no way to ensure that the xhr is
patched before the plugins get loaded.

What do people think about documenting the order of these events firing so
that it will be consistent across all platforms, as well as waiting for
onNativeReady to fire before loading the plugins?


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