On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> wrote:
> We really need to have a plan for this release, so here goes:
> 1. How to tag plugins:
> - Voting via tagging won't work here since each plugin has multiple
> platforms.
> - Let's create a sub-task for each plugin, and have each platform add a
> comment to the sub-task when they have "signed off" on it. Once all
> platforms have been tested / signed-off, then it can be tagged.

Sounds good.

> 2. With this many repos, it's not easy getting them all back to the correct
> state / tag that they are supposed to be in for a release. For this reason,
> I think the .zip to apache servers *should* contain a snapshot of all
> platforms & plugins. This way it's easy to get a "3.0" snapshot for the
> forever future.

I don't think we'll get agreement on this, but I have no feelings
either way.  As long as we're following the Apache Way, it sounds

> 3. Tagging / voting on platform repos. isn't that meaningful until plugins
> are all tested. Let's hold off tagging platform repos until all plugins
> repos are signed off.

Fair enough!

> If anyone feels strongly that we should go about this another way, please
> be responsive since we need to get the release train rolling. JIRA
> release-bug creating was added to coho last week, so I may close the bug
> Fil just created and use the script to create one with all plugins added to
> it.

If this is easier, sure.  My only concern is that we have less than
three days left to get this out in reality.  I know that I'll be
driving to PDX on Thursday, so I'm going to be unable to do anything
for most of they day so I won't be around for tagging the final
release if we do it then.

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