Would help if I paid attention to which group things are in... ;) thought
it was in the main forum for some reason (not enough caffeine).

Do file bugs; filing bugs is pretty safe (since how else can devs fix
issues related to iOS7.)

That said, I would still expect the support to be an issue, since something
could easily break in beta 4. In fact people on the forums have been
complaining about breaks between beta 2 and 3.

Also, do search the forums for the status bar piece (unless that has been
dealt with in 2.9.0/3.0) since there is a really simple line of code you
can add to get back to iOS6 metrics. (Side note: clearly Apple wants us to
go this new direction, so whether or not PG should even build this in by
default is debatable in my opinion. We all, native and non-native devs
alike have to live in this new world and adjust our UI to reflect what
makes sense here for each app. Perhaps a config.xml setting might be
useful, though, although it should be equally doable in JS/CSS/HTML to do
the required changes. Do note that this is not just a hardship faced by us:
all native devs are also having to take a hard look at their app and
statistics to see if supporting iOS 6 and 7 is feasible or not, and judging
from the forum, a large number are going iOS7 only.  )

Sent from my phone.

Kerri Shotts
photoKandy Studios, LLC

On the Web: http://www.photokandy.com/

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          Twitter: @photokandy, http://twitter.com/photokandy
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          Github: https://github.com/kerrishotts
          CoderWall: https://coderwall.com/kerrishotts

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On Jul 16, 2013, at 10:14, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> wrote:

There have been no splash screen fixes since 2.9.0 that I'm aware of.
Please file a bug on our jira:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:56 AM, PJ Dillon <p...@sulia.com> wrote:


I haven't found any discussion about this searching through my mail. But

the UI is broken in iOS 7. I actually don't know if I'm allowed to discuss

the details. It's glaringly obvious, though, and it makes compatibility

with iOS 6 somewhat of a chore for cordova-based apps, especially with the

position splash screen.... unless I'm mistaken.

So, before I go hacking around with our view controller to accommodate both

6 & 7, has this been taken care of already, and I'm just overlooking it?

We're trying to get an app out the door as soon as iOS 7 launches.


PJ Dillon

Sulia, Inc

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