Ya, it does an engine/version check but only for cordova js -  it currently
does nothing about the os/sdk versions of the platform you're deving for. I
was thinking about handling the check for os/sdk within the <engine> tag or
the <platform> tag in plugin.xml, but I think that the <platform> tag is
the better choice.

If we add it to the <engine> tag, it'd probably would end up looking
something like this:
<engine name="cordova" version="x.x.x.x">
    <platform name="ios" min-sdk-version="x.x.x.x" min-os-version="x.x.x.x"
    <platform name="android" min-sdk-version="" min-os-version="">
<platform name="android"> ... </platform>
<platform name="ios"> ... </platform>

So it seems to me that the above is a little redundant in that you could
just put the min-sdk-version/min-os-version in the <platform> tag in first
place instead of being a child of the <engine> tag.

Here are the relevant jira issues:

On 24 July 2013 14:39, Shazron <shaz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So when cordova adding plugins it does an <engine> check, yes?
> I've got this situation where I want to add a new method to
> CDVCommandDelegate (see my last comment in the issue below):
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-4355
> Basically I want to do this with minimal hassle to devs... (I suppose I
> could do a respondsToSelector, but that's just ugly)

Timothy Kim

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