I'll volunteer as the lead contact for CLI. I could do Plugman too, but I'm
not sure I'm the best choice.

Sad to see you go. Best of luck in the future, man.


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Filip Maj <maj....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Wanted to let the community know that I'm moving on from Adobe. Tuesday
> I'll be starting at Saucelabs, working on mobile automation on the R&D
> team.
> My focus is going to shift away from cordova a little bit, but not
> entirely. My plan is to be involved a lot more in cordova-medic moving
> forward, but stepping away from the tooling (plugman + cli), JS, spec and
> platform work.
> As such, I'll be removing myself as "lead" in JIRA on the cordovaJS,
> mobile-spec, cli and plugman components. If any committers want to step up
> and take on a more involved role on those components, I'd recommend
> assigning yourself as lead in JIRA to those, that's always an easy way to
> be intimately familiar with issues coming down the pipeline :)
> Looking forward to working more on medic with you all!
> Cheers,
> Fil

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