Volunteer maps well to hows its been done implicitly.  If you cannot take a
given week, find a sensible replacement.

Rotation among willing folks makes some sense in terms of passing down of


On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> wrote:

> I brought up this idea before (http://markmail.org/thread/75fv4ru7rd4vwrrb
> ),
> it was well received I think, but never made its way to our CuttingReleases
> page. I'd like to move forward with formally introducing this concept on
> our wiki page.
> Component Lead:
> - For each release, each repo has a Component Lead
> - They perform release steps and signs off on a component (ios, android,
> etc).
> Release Master:
> - Delegate release tasks
> - Communicate release status
> - Nag people responsible for unfinished tasks
> >
> Sound good?
> Motivation behind making a single person the "release master" for a
> release:
>  - To ensure that steps actually get done by ensuring each task has an
> owner
>  - Improve coordination & communication during releases
> Before I go and add this to the release wiki pages though:
> - What should the process be for choosing the release master / component
> lead?
>     - Have a rotation?
>     - Ask for volunteer each time?
> Any other thoughts along the matter?

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