As we're breaking out and developing more and more plugins, one question I have 
been getting is "what is the set of plugins officially supported by the Cordova 
community?"  It's unclear to me what defines this set.  Here's how I've been 
categorizing them.

1) Publicly documented APIs on (Accelerometer, Compass, 
etc…).  These plugins fall under the org.apache.cordova namespace.

2) plugins not under org.apache.cordova namespace
3) org.apache.cordova plugins under cordova-labs (like the new iOS keyboard, 
status bar plugins)

Gray areas
4) Undocumented plugins that were formerly part of the core.  For example, the 
console plugin.  This is a org,apache.cordova plugin, but not documented as 
part of public APIs.  Also, not all platforms support it.  Should we support 
it?  If we support it, should we document the API in our Cordova docs?

Thoughts?  Should we have a list of supported plugins in our documentation to 
point Cordova users to?

-James Jong

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