+1 for canonical repo location and Issue tracker (where available)

Other metadata that could be useful on the repo interface:
Description (1 line summary; possibly also a short 1 or 2 paragraph
description as well)
Docs link (if applicable)
Home page link (if applicable)
Author (I know it's supposed to be there, but I can't find it anywhere)

Some kind of verified author field, I think, is going to be important for
ensuring that malicious plugins don't get uploaded in the
org.apache.cordova namespace, masquerading as official plugins.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Lucas Holmquist <lholm...@redhat.com>wrote:

> On Oct 17, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Steven Gill <stevengil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So looks like want to to start including more data on
> > http://plugins.cordova.io.
> >
> > Repo tag -> points to repo where plugin lives
> > Issue tag -> points to issue tracker (with component for jura)
> +1 for these,
> >
> > Testing related (can get discussed more in testing thread
> > Mode tag -> to differentiate between testing mode and normal mode
> > JS module tag for test module
> >
> > Dependency related
> > adding version number to dependency tags so they don't just grab latest
> > always. Multiple approaches were discussed and this discussion should
> > probably happen in a new thread.
> >
> > Thoughts on above? Suggestions for other meta data we should look into
> > adding to config.xml?

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