I don't think that we have "app dependencies" in Cordova (yet). If your app
depends on a plugin, then you should install that plugin.

Either "cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.globalization" or "plugman
install org.apache.cordova.globalization" (not sure about the command line
params there) should add the plugin and modify your config.xml file

If you're concerned about automation / distribution, and want a simple way
to declare all of your app's dependent plugins, rather than just
documenting them, then you can use the technique that mobile-spec uses[1]:
Create a "dependency-only plugin" which just lists all of the plugins on
which your app depends, and as part of your create step, install that
single plugin. Cordova will then recursively install all of the
dependencies listed in it.


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM, <axel.nenn...@telekom.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> the docs in
> https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.1.0/config_ref_index.md.html#The%20config.xml%20Filesay
>  that the feature element is only for the platform specific config.xml
> s, right?
> Is there a way to specify that my phonegap app needs a plugin on all
> platforms e.g. Globalization?
> Making up this "example":
> https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.0.0/plugin_ref_spec.md.html
> <gap:dependency id="com.plugin.id" url="
> https://github.com/myuser/someplugin"; commit="428931ada3891801"
> subdir="some/path/here" />
> We are building an app that uses Globalization in javascript; so there is
> no platform dependency
> How do I specifiy in www/config.xml that Globalization is needed as a
> plugin?
> Cheers
> Axel

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