Howdy all,

I like Carlos' suggestions in this jira ticket for dealing with Windows
Appending a .bat or using cmd /c seem pretty easy fixes in this case. I'm
+1 either way.

I propose to think about 'cordova' engine settings (in default-engines.js)
> as a fallback in case we don't have any platform specific engine for some
> platform. So in case of  engine.attrib["name"] == 'cordova' we should check
> if there is engine with ['cordova-' + platform] name first and if it does
> not exist use 'cordova' engine settings only.  For example we already do
> this by the following line, but we need both engines (cordova and
> cordova-wp8) specified in plugin.xml file. Thoughts?

The reason for having both cordova and cordova-platform in your plugin.xml
engine definition is so that you can override the base cordova version if a
platform needs to have a different version.

   <engine name="cordova" version=">=2.7.0" /> // this plugin will work on
all platforms >=2.7.0
   <engine name="cordova-android" version=">=3.0.0" /> // except for
android which needs to be >= 3.0.0

// make sure we check for platform req's and not just cordova reqs
>     if(cordovaEngineIndex && cordovaPlatformEngineIndex)
> uncheckedEngines.pop(cordovaEngineIndex);
> PS. Another minor potential issue seems to be in check above;
> cordovaEngineIndex && cordovaPlatformEngineIndex will return false if one
> of indexes is zero (zero is valid/correct index in this context so it must
> be true).

Good catch. The getEngines function could use a refactor.

Are you ok if I create ticket for this specific bug (plugman + wp78) and
> fix it as per steps 1 and 2 above?

I say go for it.
Timothy Kim

On 23 October 2013 12:51, Josh Soref <> wrote:

> On 10/23/13 2:23 PM, "Carlos Santana" <> wrote:
> >Actually just try it out and see that using spawn with "cmd"
> >["/c","cordova/build",...
> >is better option than adding the ".bat" then it covers "build.exe",
> >"build.bat", and "build.cmd" on windows
> >
> >if someone thinks this is bad route, please shime in this jira issue [1]
> I'm actually +1 on this approachÅ 
> [Note: I've become the recognized Windows expert here in under a week]
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Timothy Kim

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