Hey folks,

We've been kicking around the idea of getting at which plugins/versions are
installed, at runtime. In order to make that happen, I've taken the first
step of having plugman prepare insert a tag into config.xml for each
plugin. It will look like this:

  <plugin id="org.apache.cordova.file" version="0.2.5" />
  <plugin id="org.apache.cordova.file-transfer" version="0.3.4" />

NB that Plugman is injecting this automatically, and this tag should NOT
appear in the plugin.xml's <config-file> tags.

Now I'll be adding logic to the config.xml parser on Android and iOS, but
other platform maintainers will have to step in for the other platforms.

Tracking the progress here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-5379

(If you're wondering why we have motivation for this, it's to make the
AppHarness more informative, and more robust, by warning the user when an
app they've installed is looking for plugins the harness can't provide, or
where versions mismatch.)


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