I would like to add a deprecation notice to WP7, so we can move forward
with one platform for Windows Phone.
Windows Phone 8 has been available for over a year, and mostly taken over
for WP7.
WP7 devices are currently still available, mostly as an inexpensive way to
get a windows phone.
The WP8 Lumia 520 has made considerable impact as a low cost WP8 device,
and Nokia is expected to stop selling WP7 devices shortly.
Our ~6 month deprecation windows would put us at May of 2014 for officially
dropping support.

The upgrade path for converting your WP7 Cordova app to WP8 Cordova is
trivial, with the exception that it requires updated tools.  WP8 app dev
requires Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012. ( WP7 required Windows 7 +
VS-2010 + Zune )


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