I think using Cordova run and emulate to do the same thing for now makes sense. 
Instead of just leaving it out as unimplemented, we could deploy to local 
machine in both cases. I am working with the Windows team to see if we could 
run the app on an emulator, and if we have an answer for that, we would update 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon) [mailto:v-seg...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7:59 PM
To: dev@cordova.apache.org
Subject: [For discussion] windows8 and run/emulate commands meaning


Cordova cli provides the following three options to execute your app from the 

*         run --emulator (or emulate) - to run the app on emulator

*         run --device - app will be executed on the connected device

*         run --target - same as above, but you specify particular device

Right now the only known method to programmatically start Windows Store app is 
to start it locally right on your system. Windows8 platform is special since 
you technically build your app right on the target platform/device. Due to this 
I propose to treat both run/emulate commands for Windows8 platform as running 
app locally.


1.       People actively use both run and emulate commands so it will be great 
to somehow support them both.

2.       Right now we only know how to start app locally. Not sure we will be 
able to implement other options in the near future. If we find the way to 
support additional options we will change run/emulate meaning later.


Additional details
When you are working with Windows Store app in Visual Studio there are the 
following three options to test your app

*         Local Machine - app will be run right on your local system

o   easy to automate from command prompt


*         Emulator - starts Windows RT emulator

o   at present time I don't have solution to do the same from command line, 
continue research..

*         Remote Machine - app will be run on remote machine (you should 
specify target machine ip address + install special software on remote machine 
- VS Remote Debugging Tools)

o   looks like we won't be able to support this option in the near future since 
it is very complex


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