Hey these are very interesting stats, thanks for summarizing them Marcel.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Marcel Kinard <cmarc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I stumbled into gs.statcounter.com, and poked at the mobile os data
> there. It really hit me how there is tremendous variation of device OS
> market share from country to country.
> Here are some samples.
> Range extremes:
>         • iOS: 68% in Denmark, 1% in India
>         • Android: 91% in South Korea, 6% in Somalia
>         • Blackberry: 39% in St Martin, 1% in Thailand
>         • Windows Phone: 23% in Finland, 1% in India
>         • Series 40: 60% in Liberia, 1% in Austria
>         • Symbian: 36% in Oman, 1% in Columbia
> Basically no iOS or Android:
>         • South Africa: Blackberry and Series 40 (Nokia) lead with a
> combined 60%, iOS has 3%
> Two western European countries where Android and iOS distribution is
> flip-flopped:
>         • Spain: 70% Android, 25% iOS
>         • Sweden: 62% iOS, 35% Android
> Not the usual presence from a North American perspective:
>         • Pakistan: 39% Series 40, 17% Symbian
> FYI.

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