Looks great indeed!

On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Joni Rustulka <j...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm Joni. I work at Adobe as a UX designer on the PhoneGap team, and I
> have recently thrown some time at redesigning the
> http://plugins.cordova.io site. I'm looking for feedback prior to
> implementation - your thoughts are appreciated.
> The main screens that have been reworked are as follows:
>   1.  Home (http://cl.ly/image/2n3l1N0Z0g0w)
> The primary goal for the site is to help users find the plugins they need.
> As such, the main focus is on search/findability.
>   2.  Search Results (http://cl.ly/image/0c3X3T1E1L0j)
> Upon search for a plugin, the user is returned results. The user can
> filter to include only desired platforms (http://cl.ly/image/3W2f321I211r),
> and the results table can be sorted by number of downloads, or plugin ID.
>   3.  Plugin Details (http://cl.ly/image/2n1p2s3E0a2t)
> The details screen intends to provide all of the necessary information on
> a plugin.
> ** From what I understand, one piece of information that may be missing
> from this screen is "Installation Instructions". This being, config.xml
> feature tags. Is this something that you guys plan to automate, or should
> we be telling plugin authors to put this information in their Read Me?
> Please advise.
> Further, we do intend to make this a responsive site - so it will be
> easily viewed on smaller screen sizes.
> Thanks for your input,
> -joni
> PS - big thanks and kudos to Yohei for putting together the pluggy robot!

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