ALSO: lets avoid using terms like 'I agree' or 'I disagree'. Its
programming. The answer is ALWAYS 'it depends'. No absolutes in the sea of

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Brian LeRoux <> wrote:

> Maybe. Have a look at Substack's code and you'll see he has no trouble
> testing. The reason being he tests interfaces and outputs instead of
> implementations. That will be another Node 101!
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Gord Tanner <> wrote:
>> I also agree with this except for returning a function from
>> module.exports.
>> It is possible but makes mocking much much harder for testing.
>> think of:
>> var foo = require('foo');
>> module.exports = {
>>     awesome: function (a) {
>>         foo(a+1);
>>    }
>> };
>> It is kind of awkward to test this module's use of the foo module.  It can
>> be done with rewire [1] but is a little awkward.
>> If foo was designed where it exported an object literal with functions it
>> would be much easier to mock:
>> var foo = require('foo');
>> module.exports = {
>>     awesome: function (a) {
>>    }
>> };
>> it("calls", function () {
>>     var foo = require('foo');
>>     spyOn(foo, "bar");
>> });
>> Just my 2 cents from a testing perspective.
>> [1] -
>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Brian LeRoux <> wrote:
>> > Create modules that are the smallest possible unit of code. Less code is
>> > fast code. Faster to write. Faster to maintain. Faster to test. On the
>> > extreme end characters in the Node community such as Substack advocate a
>> > single function per module definition.
>> >
>> > module.exports = function() {
>> >   // my logic here
>> > }
>> >
>> > This is kind of extreme and not always possible but a good practice
>> > nonetheless. The idea is not new. Its a part of the UNIX philosophy: "do
>> > one thing well" coined by Doug Mcilroy. [1]
>> >
>> > It can help you make code that looks like this [2] into this [3].
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > [1]
>> > [2]
>> >
>> >
>> > [3]
>> >

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