I would like to:

1. Delete the docs/ directory from all plugins
   - They contain stale copies of what's in cordova-docs

2. Move plugin information found in cordova-docs into a single README.md
file within the respective plugin repos

3. Delete the "API Reference" section of cordova-docs

4. Add a guide called "Cordova Plugins", which contains:
  - a link to plugins.cordova.io,
  - a list of the org.apache.cordova plugins, which link to their README.md
files on github
    - e.g.
    - These can be changed to point at their plugins.cordova.io page when
that shows READMEs.
  - A link to the 3.3 docs, which still have plugin API reference
    - Mostly, this is for finding non-english versions.

- Plugins are on a separate release cycle from platforms & docs.
   - The documentation is often mismatched due to this
- Pull requests for plugins don't update the plugin docs
   - But I think they would if the docs were in the same repo

- This will mess up our current translations story for plugins.
  - I think this can be fixed up though, by changing out
http://crowdin.netpush / pull scripts
  - E.g. have README.md translations go in:

I'll make a JIRA for this, but want buy-in first.

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