Also worth discussion, we might not want to add to the package manifests
situation with cordova.json. (This is pretending we don't have a bunch of
crazy config files laying around already! =)

Node has package.json works well for a `cordova install` use case. Though
Chrome Apps, and Firefox OS Apps are worth considering too. They are nearly
identical except Chrome uses manifest.json and Firefox manfiest.webapp.
Yay, config files.


On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Brian LeRoux <> wrote:

> I do think getting the cli to the point where ./plugins, and ./platforms
> are recommended build artifacts is a goal we've always wanted.
> In context of Andrew's recent ./cordova.json proposal I think we can get
> rid of ./plugins fairly easy. If we list the dependencies (or
> devDependencies) we can create an equiv of `npm install` by just running a
> series of `cordova plugin add`.
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 9:58 PM, Jesse <> wrote:
>> I'm sure users can figure out how to exclude the plugin folder, this seems
>> to be a simple matter of documenting what they should do.
>> Similarly, all native compiled platform projects have binary intermediate
>> cruft that should not be checked in, and we don't currently care ...
>> @purplecabbage
>> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Ross Gerbasi <> wrote:
>> > Hey Gang,
>> >
>> > I think we need a better way to manage plugins across teams. I imagine
>> we
>> > don't want people checking the plugins folder into version control, I
>> would
>> > also think platforms should be ignored also. What do you all think about
>> > some kind of plugin manifest file and a install command. Something like
>> > nodes package.jsonn and npm install?
>> >

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