Unfortunately there are no such documents. I think the best references for
how the CLI works overall are my brain, and Anis' brain. Someday we should
write down an overview.

At a glance, it sounds like your bug might be caused by having a newer
cordova-android cached than 3.0.3 is expecting, causing the build and run
scripts to fail. Try deleting $HOME/.cordova/lib, and recreating the test

It's also possible that the Android cordova/build script was simply broken
in 3.0.3; I can't remember for certain that far back.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 2:00 PM, dev at watch2web.com <d...@watch2web.com>wrote:

> Unfortunately, I wanted to revert to 3.0.3 because the latest was causing
> me some other issues. I know I'll have to deal with them later, but for now
> I just need to be productive.
> Cordova 3.0.3 was working fine for me yesterday morning. But after
> installing the latest and reverting, it is broken. I can do bug hunting
> myself, but I'm new to node.js, and I don't know the design of the CLI as
> well as you. Are there any spec docs I can work from that will help me
> understand what is going on?
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Grieve" <agri...@chromium.org>
> To: "dev" <dev@cordova.apache.org>
> Sent: Thursday, 23 January, 2014 05:19
> Subject: Re: reverted cordova version -- now build fails on HelloCordova
>  Probably you hit a bug in 3.0.3. Try updating to the latest version of the
>> tool and see if the bug is fixed.
>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 1:24 AM, dev at watch2web.com <d...@watch2web.com
>> >wrote:
>>  Following the docs, I did:
>>>  npm install -g cordova@3.0.3
>>> It seemed to work: cordova -v gives 3.0.3
>>> I crreated a simple HelloCordova app:
>>>  cordova create HelloCordova com.notacompany.test HelloCordova
>>>> cd HelloCordova
>>>> codova platform add android
>>>> cd platforms\android  (Windows build)
>>>> cordova build android --debug
>>> I get immediate error:
>>>  [TypeError: Cannot read property 'parser' of undefined]
>>>>>  There is probably a simple reason, but I could use some help finding
>>> it.

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