Monthly Hangout?
 - Good idea, ML message to establish time

SSL Cert Pinning.
 - Android APIs are just not good enough?
 - Andrew asked the Android WebView team if there was any way to do this
with existing WebView: no :(
   - We can write a custom plugin to do one off special type of requests?
 - Don’t embed content?  Network cannot reasonable be locked down.  Welcome
to the web.
 - Could add a bit more cert pinning to FileTransfer plugin if we wanted?
 - Brian: Crazy alternative?! local web server proxy?
   - Andrew: We used to do this in the bridge.  Other bugs make this not
work. (Specific to 4.0?)

Configuration files situation
 - Too many files?
 - We don’t control the underlying O/S so we just inevitably have lots of
   - Most of this is hidden to the user, though
 - Some config for build (cordova-cli’s config), some for runtime
 - Converting XML to JSON?
   - Current tools are tightly coupled with XML config editing
   - plugin.xml is already XML and we are *not* changing that
   - cost/benefit smells un-worth-it
 - CLI hooks can help manage the platform manifests for those who want —
but its an expert friendly feature
 - icons and splashscreens
  - cca tool supports this now, Andrew has the caveats in his head
- Top level config.xml:
   - Add support for <platform> and <config-file> tags to top-level app
   - Rename top-level config.xml?
   - json or xml?
   - Brian: package.json?
     - Will that conflict with node?  Engine tag?  Worth investigating.
   - SysApps *new* json based app manifest?  Way too early to chase that.
 - JBoss tools use a single config.xml on all platforms
 - Lets move proposals to the list.  Going in circles here.
 - Short term: lets take another looks at the docs to see what need to be
   - But if the right answer isn’t apparent, no amount of docs will help

Cordova.js refactoring
 - Ditch our own module format?
   - node package format with Browserify for concat?
 - 44k vs 10k?
 - Browser as a platform VS Ripple as a tool?
   - Goal of this refactor is full backwards compatibility with browser
   - Great idea.  Plugin vendors can target the browser with a shim of
their plugin this way, instead of ripple devs reverse engineering.
 - Require syntax is changing to node-style
   - Anis using browserify with plugins’ js-module editing of the require
statement in a preprocess step during prepare
   - Final artifact is a single cordova.js
 - moving cordova.js outside of root of www

Testing and Medic
 - Who is currently running CI
   - Google in Canada
   - Microsoft in Russia
   - (Ubuntu in Russia as well? — sorry I missed this)
   - IBM has had it for a while, but fallen off the radar a bit (thought
they will recover that)
 - Bits and pieces have changed.  Need newest versions.
 - CI to use less magic, use more cordova-cli commands
 - Microsoft wants a way to report when the windows platform breaks
 - Marcel wants a way to test on a huge suite of platforms and devices,
after testing on a small set of devices locally
 - Buildbot is running medic in order to group sets of commits together
 - Microsoft not running buildbot, just medic directly
   - We ran in to issues with buildbot on !linux as well.  You can run BB
master on linux and have all build slaves on other platforms, even in a VM.
   - Biggest issue is that the test suite crashes hard and CI needs poking
if tests fail (sometimes)
 - No shared master at this point for security reasons.  (Adobe and Google
and Apache have not followed through with hopes of supplying a common
machine for this, yet)
  - Instead, lets work on a common reporting mechanism.
  - Right now: manually emailing the list when you notice something
locally.  You should do this too if you have CI running on your platform.
 - ios-deploy is borked.  Shaz is investigating.
  - Still using FruitStrap.  Recently updated to use lldb (as of Xcode 5),
and that part of the problem.
  - Xcode can deploy as long as we make your app into a unit test.  Sounds
crazy.. but worth investigating?
  - appium from selenium guys as an alternative?
    - emulators only atm, but they promise devices?
    - iOS and android only
    - Also supports user actions like button presses.
 - New MobileSpec:
   - jasmine-2 launched!
   - Last year at face2face a bunch of people contributed
   - cdvtest branch on various plugins and cordova-labs repo
   - No manual tests support yet, working on that in near future

Plugin Repo
 - Nodejitsu just lost most plugins :(
   - iris couch?
 - Do we migrate to host anywhere else?
 - Apache server to host ourselves?
 - Set up our own couch db as replication
 - Migrating to cloudant?
 - Steven has been working on redesign of the website!
   - Angular for fronted! Topcoat! Flexbox Grid, mobile first!
   - Missing Search, downloads
   - Demo time!
     - Repo, issue tracker links integrated
   - Getting Started instructions going to be improved so we can run it
     - Steven will walk you through if you want to pitch in!
   - Its a couch app!  Will run inside the DB.  Run on the same server as
 - <resource-file> tag available for iOS but not Android, wth?
   - Someone already patched this!
   - Joe used to use <source-file> for this, why did we need a new tag?
 Anyway.. we are using it now.

 - Not much going on, Shaz triaged for 3.4 release
 - New features like multitasking support for ios7 in the pipeline
 - keyboard / status bar plugin most of the work recently
 - CLI run command big deal
 - Apple: new guidelines for app store for Feb 1st
   - Xcode 5 is now required.
 - Do we want to support arm64? (yes..?)
 - Remove support for iOS5? (yes..? but IBM will still test it for a while)
 - JIRA Bugreport to move to using Xcode workspaces..
   - no one has any experience here

 - Security vulnerability with whitelists
   - Need to respond to the guys who found the vulnerability and handle the
   - Blogpost to our users
   - Publish better guidance overall, as per earlier conversation
 - Camera plugin
   - Not working on KK :(
   - Bug where File picker is returning a file URL which it (webview?)
cannot consume
     - Andrew wants to investigate and poke Android team
   - Fix the issue with a MAJOR version bump of plugin which is not
     - See how crazy users consider that.
     - Useful to have a plugin website that supports multiple versions
 - KitKat issues:
   - Key Events
   - Canvas is slow, software mode, bad viewport tags can make it a lot
worse than it is
   - KK WebView is not up-dateable yet, but they are working on it.
   - CrossWalk has an up-dateable webview
 - Instantiating CordovaWebView not from main Activity, but manually after
some delay for whatever reason?
  - Bunch of talk on this..  There are patches that begin to address this..
Will put up for review.  Sounds good.

Windows Phone
 - No issues
 - Next Release:
   - Currently no way to load binary assets (DLL plugins etc).  Jesse plans
to support this
   - Adobe folk getting WP8 devices, lumia 520

 - All Good.

 - No one here for F2F
 - Pulling in support for plugins

 - Active, working towards success.

3.4 Release
 - rc out this week
 - npm issues!
   - What do we do?  Publish under a different name?
   - cordova-cli (and titanium, lol) pushed on a bad day and we have a bad
profile now, Isaac needs to manually fix this
     - Brian to poke him
   - npm.. is going through interesting times

 - Audience is quite enterprise.  Expensive.
 - “HadoopCon”
 - Apache recognizes that Cordova and Couch are breathing new life into

Next Big Thing:
 - Switching WebView’s (specifically Android)
   - CrossWalk, FireOS, GeckoView…
 - App Harness
 - MORE on CLI tools, not nearly done here
   - Make it easier to be “correct” and end-to-end
   - platform / plugins as artifacts, for real
   - Even more sharing / compatibility between downstream wrappers (cca,
phonegap, work light)
 - Plugins Website up
 - Browser as a platform
 - Guidance on app design
   - Alloy, based on angular, just for cordova
   - Web Components?
   - Yeoman

(Last note: CLI template command on BB vs copy-from and link-to)

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