Ya I think my ambivalence stems from the same thinking Josh points out. I'd
love to move us to package.json personally. I think all agreed last meeting
that was solving problems we don't really have.

And ultimately MANY downstreams are relying on both XML and namespaces so
removing them will have be a noisy MAJOR update sort of thing.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Josh Soref <jso...@blackberry.com> wrote:

> Andrew wrote:
> > Maybe I'm crazy, but I can't stand them.
> Most people can't
> > I don't think they add any value,
> They allow other products which are frozen ("released to an audience") to
> interoperate in a defined manner with your software. And vice versa.
> If you don't care about that, then there isn't much reason to use XML
> (it's a horrible language).
> For the most part, I'd say that Cordova pretty much by definition doesn't
> care about this. Moving the file from www/ to www/../ broke existing
> software (amusingly including cordova serve). Cordova's view is basically
> that people will update their tools to work with the new version. And
> that's fine, but it isn't really a match for the promise of XML.
> > and are a cause of confusion.
> Absolutely
> > So... I'd like to:
> > A: Remove xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"; from our config.xml
> template
> > B: Change xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0"; -> xmlns="
> http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0";
> > C: Revert the commit that enforces the namespace to exist.
> > Does anyone hate this idea?
> I'm pretty sure we (BlackBerry) will have to do some work in response to
> this, but that isn't a big deal.
> If you're going to depart from the file format, why not switch to JSON?
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2014/02/06/json-debugger-visualizer-in-visual-studio-2013.aspxeven
>  Microsoft is offering editors for it.
> Is there any value that you see in Cordova using XML?

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