Gotcha. Updated:

## cordova

* Speed up prepare by using plugman's new reapply_global_munge() (CB-5299)
* Make "Generating config.xml from defaults" a verbose log (CB-6076)
* Use spawn helper for all sub-shelling. (CB-5181)
* Enable stdio for build sub-commands and hooks (CB-6049, CB-5181)

## plugman

* Move `<assets>` copying from install to prepare (CB-5647)
* Include platform tag information when publishing plugins (CB-5804)
* Logging tweaks to be less verbose (CB-6076)
* Accept proxy config for plugman (CB-5017)
* Add resource-file support on Android (CB-5720)
* config-changes.js: Major refactor & introduced reapply_global_munge()
* FFOS: Look for config.xml in www_dir and in project_dir (CB-6088)
* iOS: Do not add static libraries (.a) to source files (CB-6025)
* Win8/WP: Added SDKReference support via 'lib-file' tags
* Win8/WP: Remove ability to add .dll as content - it should be a
* Win8/WP: Added ability to add+remove ref to .winmd files

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Josh Soref <> wrote:

> I wrote:
> > * Win8/WP: Added SDKReference support via `<lib-file>` tags
> > * CB-5720 Add `<resource-file>` support on Android
> > (assuming I¹m rightŠ)
> Andrew Grieve wrote:
> > Not sure what your suggestion is here.
> >
> Adding ``s and <>s assuming that the things are actually tags in some xml
> file.
> >>Why are some things labeled w/ a CB- and some w/ Win8/WP? I¹d rather
> >> things have a consistent prefix and a logical sorting.
> >
> >They are based on commit logs. If someone puts in a commit with not JIRA
> >in
> >the description, then I do my best to at least prefix which platforms it
> >applies to.
> Right, but could you possibly sort/reorder the bits? Possibly always
> putting the CB-s at the end and the platforms at the beginning and then
> sorting the list (with non-platform-specific stuff before platform stuff)?

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