On Sat Mar 1 01:39 PM, Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon) wrote:
> <scripts preinstall="preinstall.js" postinstall="afterinstall.js" />
> preinstall.js is called before plugman.raw.install(platform, platformRoot,
> path.basename(dir), pluginsDir, options) and could be used to check system
> requirements, download/compile required libraries, etc
> afterinstall.js is called after and could be used  to add/configure 
> additional project
> references,  etc uninstall.js - for discussion, could be used for clean up, 
> etc
> As for required parameters I think we should pass at least application folder 
> and
> target platform.
> Thoughts? Propose to discuss this on the monthly sync, Mar 4, 2014 (7pm EST)

Two issues I can think of:
- uninstall() needs to know which files where installed by either the 
preinstall or afterinstall script.
- I'd like users to be able to pass options/arguments to the script (overriding 
default build options)

cordova plugin add some.db --utf8 false

For unix people, it's like a ./configure --utf8 false --with-stuff && make 

But can't do this right now with cordova since we'd need to store the plugin 
install arguments "--utf8 false" to update a plugin.

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