Some background on the keyboard plugin.

This was extracted from the iOS core, and put into its own plugin so
updates are not tied to a platform release, and fixes can be rapid. Someone
filed this issue and I didn't
know that BlackBerry also supported some of the keyboard preferences, so it
might be multi-platform -- the BB code is definitely not extracted out into
this plugin.

The issues related to the keyboard are under the label "keyboard-plugin" in
JIRA, and there are currently 18 open issues. It is a complicated plugin
(see its mobile-spec manual tests), and complicated to test.

I am not opposed to it being under the "labs" namespace. After talking to
the Adobe team, we could also host the plugin under the PhoneGap Github
org, but I'd rather use that as a last resort.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Shazron <> wrote:

> keyboard is already published org.apache.cordova.keyboard.
> And... Since these plugins are somewhat experimental and we're starting the
> process of voting and publishing plugins to dist/, I wonder:
> a) Should we change the ID of these plugins to, say
> "org.apache.cordova.labs"
> b) Should we move these plugins to github and have them not under apache
> for now, e.g.: com.shazron.statusbar
> c) Should we just add them to the plugin release process.
> d) Should we just never publish them to the registry and have people use
> them via git url.

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