Here is some work that we have been doing -

As you can see from the diff, there were 2 approaches we took and would like 
feedback from folks here on the best approach to move forward with

1.       Automated

a.       Picked up type definitions for Cordova plugins from

b.      Generated Typescript bindings from the W3C IDL for each of the spec

c.       Checked each into its own branch, can now do a git style diff, showing 
the exact differences - look at the contacts.d.ts file for the diffs in the 
contacts API.

d.      Since this is utomatic, can cover more ground quickly, we just need to 
tweak the output at the end - things like Object.getSetter, etc. We are working 
on those now.

e.      Given that this is hosted on github, this can be easily updated as we 
continue to change the API

f.        Can also facilitate inline discussions

2.       Manual

a.       The Geolocation is a manual diff, all in Javascript.

b.      Still hosted on 2 github branches for enable automated diffs, inline 
discussions, etc.

I think we can combine our efforts here and take an approach that works for 
all. Comments, suggestions?

From: Lisa Seacat DeLuca []
Sent: Monday, June 9, 2014 7:20 AM
To: Cordova Dev (; <>; Webapps 
Cc: Worklight Development Cordova
Subject: Cordova and w3c spec Algnment - Vibration Gap Analysis

Cordova and w3c teams~

Last week Dom (from w3c) and myself met to chat about aligning the Cordova and 
w3c specs.  We felt the best starting point was looking at the vibration spec 
as it "shouldn't change"... i.e. is pretty stable.  I put together a Google Doc 
identifying the 4 areas that will need to be addresses and will create the 
corresponding JIRA issues for Cordova to track their process.

Please take a look at the doc and feel free to edit or add comments (for those 
of you who tried earlier and couldn't access the doc, it is now open to anyone 
with the link):

This is the first step at getting Cordova and w3c better aligned.  Dom and I 
plan on documenting the process so we can replicate the efforts across the 
other specs as well.


Lisa Seacat DeLuca
Mobile Engineer | t: +415.787.4589 |<> | |<> |<> | [follow @LisaSeacat on twitter] 
<> | [follow Lisa Seacat DeLuca on linkedin] 

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