
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Joe Bowser <> wrote:

> Hey
> After the battery tests, I looked at the battery plugin, and we need
> to shelve the battery plugin until we get a new API.  Worse yet, the
> W3C API proposed is terrible and should never be implemented on
> Android.
> So, as we currently implement it, we set the battery to listen to the
> batteryChange event, which is used to return the battery level, which
> isn't actually a percent but some number that isn't consistent across
> Android devices.  This bug has been filed.
> However, a more serious bug is the fact that every time this is
> triggered, it takes about 1% of battery power.  I've played with this
> event in the past on a side project, and it's killed batteries on my
> devices in less than an hour.
> So, the proper way you monitor for battery events is by monitoring for
> certain events by adding an events receiver in the AndroidManifest.xml
> file, and letting that fire an event depending on whether there's a
> callbackContext assigned to it.  The problem is that we should only
> monitor certain manifests, and get the values when those events
> happen.  We can support getting the value of the battery on demand,
> but we should discourage our users from doing this.
> This brings us to the W3C Battery API:
> To me, this is unimplementable without killing the battery, since this
> appears to work similarly to our device API in that we'd have to
> populate this on an interval, and that interval on Android is how fast
> you want your battery to die.  So, how do we want to approach this? I
> have no idea why the W3C wrote a specification that is near impossible
> to implement.
> Thoughts?
> Joe

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