On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Jan Velecký <vve...@seznam.cz> wrote:
> When using single icon as application icon in config.xml this way "<icon src
> ="icon.png" platform="android" />" cordova should use basic drawable folder,
> because doesn't matter of resolution, PPI, etc., so doesn't matter of device
> and for this purpose there are "drawable" folder. Not use drawable-hdpi,
> drawable-ldpi and so on. Icons in these folders in this situation should be
> deleted.

I disagree.

> It's really not neccessary to have 5 not similar, but exactly same icon
> files, when we can have only 1 icon file.

People should be changing their icons anyway, and I don't believe we
actually landed any support for the icon element in config.xml.

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