Cordova Team~

FYI, If anyone has any thoughts on these last call specs from the w3c 
Device API's Working Group let me know or the group directly.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca
Mobile Engineer | t: +415.787.4589 | | | | | | 

----- Forwarded by Lisa Seacat DeLuca/San Francisco/IBM on 06/23/2014 
10:59 AM -----

From:   Frederick Hirsch <>
To:     Chairs <>
Cc:     Frederick Hirsch <>, Dominique Hazael-Massieux 
<>, W3C Device APIs WG <>, "Barstow Art 
(Nokia-CTO/Boston)" <>, ext McCathie Nevile Charles 
Date:   06/19/2014 03:27 PM
Subject:        New Last Call of DAP 'HTML Media Capture', 'Ambient Light 
Events' and 'Vibration API' - comment requested before 24 July 2014

The Device APIs (DAP) working group has published new Last Call working 
drafts of the following three specifications, based on implementer 

(1) HTML Media Capture  -

Made security and privacy considerations section non-normative to address 
testability and implementation concerns.

(2) Ambient Light Events -

Removed the LightLevelEvent and updated the document correspondingly, in 
response to implementer feedback.

(3) Vibration API -

Changed a normative step to a note based on implementer feedback on 

The status section of each document summarizes the changes and provides a 
link to a red-line. The Working Group appreciates the feedback we have 
received from implementers. If you have any additional feedback please 
send it to the DAP public mailing list before the end of the Last Call 
period ( 24 July 2014 ). We would especially appreciate any comment from 
the Web Applications WG (WebApps).

Thank you

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair DAP

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