this would be a good time to talk about the federation capabilities in
Plugman and the Cordova/CLI then =)

time for:

`cordova registry add telerik && cordova set
registry telerik`

(or something like that)

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Rob Lauer <> wrote:

> Hi Cordova Team,
> My name is Rob Lauer and I'm the Product Manager for AppBuilder here at
> Telerik. I'm writing to let you know that we just released our brand new
> "Verified Plugins Marketplace" for custom Cordova plugins. It's available
> today, for free of course, at<
> This site is meant to serve as a curated list of high value Cordova
> plugins that we have tested, verified, documented, and used to create
> simple sample apps (with Kendo UI) for hybrid developers. Our primary goal
> for this site is to ease some of the pain developers experience when
> choosing and implementing custom plugins - and thereby boosting the profile
> of hybrid development in general. We are not trying to compete with
> or other existing plugin catalogs - we expect to
> maintain a smaller, maintainable, set of plugins. There is more information
> available at this blog post<
> if you are curious.
> We also have a UserVoice portal<
>> to solicit opinions on
> which plugins we should include next. Please try it all out and let me know
> what you think!
> Thanks,
> Rob Lauer | Product Manager at Telerik
> @rdlauer<>

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