Mark Koudritsky wrote:
>As the next step in decoupling platform releases I would like to remove
>hard-coded version in platform.js and let the CLI to download the latest
>platform version available on npm by default.

As long as the file will continue to support pinned versions…

I'm not quite sure where I stand on this as a default behavior.

Currently WebWorks ships specific versions of things.
If we had shipped unpinned versions of stuff, then eventually we would
have created projects which our UI wouldn't have recognized as valid
(because, they e.g. Didn't have a ".cordova", or a "hooks", or a "merges"
or whichever things we had been using to determine if a project was valid).

The second version of the problem is that I'd sort of like to be able to
/think/ about letting webworks users get newer versions of
cordova-blackberry w/o necessarily having to install a new "webworks".
(This is sort of the opposite of the previous one)

The third, is that I might want to have distinct version series for
webworks based things and cordova based things (I'm not really sure on
this point).

One approach is to rely on api versioning so instead of platform = 3.5 ->
3.6 -> 3.7, we could have platform = 3.5:3.5 -> 3.5:3.6, where the major
number is a cli version. That would in theory let me offer different
versions of the platform to a cli w/o giving it a version that will just
break it.

>- It will hit the network for every "platform add" that has no version
>explicitly specified. In most cases the reply from npm will be an "HTTP
>- Not Modified".
> - We'll have to add in some sort of check that the version of CLI that
>have works with the platform. E.g. current tools might not work with
>cordova-5.0. In than case we can display an error that instructs the user
>to either upgrade CLI or specify the platform version explicitly.

Not a big fan of this "specify explicitly" nor "command line", webworks is
often used w/ a GUI (well, we ship one, I'm not sure how often it's used…).

WebWorks also ships its own version of cordova-blackberry, which isn't
precisely the same as the version that's in the registry. I'm not sure I'd
want to have to hit the network for this. At the very least, I'd like
information about how to cache our version into the cache so at least
something is present.

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