On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Marcel Kinard <cmarc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been doing some playing around to understand this better. Here are
> the 3 scenarios I tried:
> 1) link:
> cd cordova-lib
> rm -r node_modules
> rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
> npm link cordova-js
> npm install
> npm shrinkwrap
> Result is that ALL the devDependencies from cordova-js are present in the
> cordova-lib shrinkwrap.json file. Bad.
> 2) directory install:
> cd cordova-lib
> rm -r node_modules
> rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
> npm install ../cordova-js
> npm install
> npm shrinkwrap
> We've been bit before by this scenario as well. I believe the shrinkwrap
will record that cordova-js is located at "../cordova-js" instead of from
the registry in this case.

> Result is that none of the devDependencies from cordova-js are present in
> the cordova-lib shrinkwrap.json file. Good.
> 3) registry install:
> cd cordova-lib
> rm -r node_modules
> rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
> npm install cordova-js (fetches from registry)
^^ Shouldn't need this step right? since "npm install" will grab it from
the registry anyways.

> npm install
> npm shrinkwrap
> Result is that none of the devDependencies from cordova-js are present in
> the cordova-lib shrinkwrap.json file. Good.
> So what I get from this is that having a linked dependency matters: the
> shrinkwrap command will grab everything in the submodule's directory tree
> even if it isn't listed as a dependency in the submodule's package.json.
> That feels like a flaw in the shrinkwrap command, especially when the
> shrinkwrap command is careful to check that the main module's node_modules
> matches its package.json dependencies. It seems to be treating the main
> module and the submodules differently.
> On Sep 16, 2014, at 9:56 PM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> wrote:
> >> It shouldn't matter if I had done an "npm link cordova-js" inside of
> >> cordova-lib, correct?
> >
> > This is the key! It *does* matter. shrinkwrap just records what it finds
> in
> > your node_modules directory, symlinks and all! You always want to do a
> > fresh rm -r & npm install before shrinkwrap to ensure you don't have
> > extraneous modules in there.
> >
> > That said, if you did that and it's still showing up, I don't know why
> that
> > is :S
> I did NOT clean out the node_modules before doing the shrinkwrap. My "npm
> link" is present. I wasn't aware this was necessary, and there isn't
> anything in the instructions about it.
> Now that I know what to do, I'll update the instructions and respin the
> lib, plugman, and cli RCs. I've done it this many times, what's once more?
> :-/

Def. thanks for updating the instructions and for your patience. We all
appreciate it!

> On Sep 16, 2014, at 9:25 PM, Carlos Santana <csantan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > By default, npm install will install all modules listed as dependencies.
> > With the --production flag, npm will not install modules listed in
> > devDependencies.
> I did try "npm -g install --production cordova@rc" and it is still
> pulling in the devDependencies from cordova-js.
> > I will just ignore the Warning on connect and not respin.
> I'm a perfectionist, and don't want to see user confusion about the
> warning.
> On a broader note, we definitely need to change how we handle the
> shrinkwrap BEFORE the release process. I'll send out a note tomorrow with
> some ideas.

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