On Sep 18, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Parashuram Narasimhan (MS OPEN TECH) 
<panar...@microsoft.com> wrote:

> About the release branches, is the idea that we continue to push stuff on 
> master and then create a new 3.7.0 branch when we would like to release 3.7.0?

For plugins and tools, I suggest that we follow exactly the same model as 
platforms. When we are ready to release a new cordova-plugin-camera, the 
version bump is x.y+1.0 (i.e., "0.3.0" -> "0.4.0") instead of x.y.z+1. And at 
the first rc, a branch is cut (i.e., "0.3.x"). And instead of creating a tag of 
the form "r0.3.0" it be simply "0.3.0". Just like platforms.

> I am guessing that this would be for platforms and the tools.

Plugins and tools. To match how platforms work.

> How would this look when the platforms start getting released independently 
> (we don’t have to answer that now, but I guess we will look at it when 
> platforms do get released independently). 

From a versioning perspective, the version of each platform just runs on its 
own line. There is no synchronization of version numbers across platforms. 
cordova-lib/.../platforms.js has the table of all the most-recent platform 
versions, and the cli gets bumped anytime a platform gets bumped, which means 
it will move fast. The cli version drops the suffix so it is a plain format 
like the platforms. The classical meaning of "Cordova x.y.z" is gone, unless 
you want to overload the cli version for that. Not entirely thought through or 
discussed yet.

> In addition to release branches, should we also ensure that feature branches 
> are strictly followed - i.e. master is always stable?

I think master should be stable. Test-before-push could be a suitable 
substitute for strictly having topic branches. I mean, we're doing that 
already, right? :-o

> I am guessing that these release branches will live on forever and in case of 
> security patches, we would go back and apply them to the each branch? 


Anyway, these are my opinions.

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