Strange indeed. Good catch.

I checked in to this, and Jekyll appears to be grabbing the date of the post 
from the filename, and then displaying that date. Not what I was expecting. I 
was able to fix this by adding a specific date field to the front matter of the 
blog entry and regenerating. Looks better now. However, it did change the 
generated filename and thus the URL to the specific blog entry, but the old 
ones are still present on the website so I think it is OK. Something to be 
aware of for next time. I updated the instructions.

On Sep 23, 2014, at 7:40 AM, Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon) <> 

> The only thing that looks strange is the date, for example we did npm switch 
> for Tools 3.6 release yesterday but official announce (blog post) is marked 
> as Sep, 08  (two weeks ago). 

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