This does not preclude using the file url API function I suppose. Here's a
flowchart on how I think it would work:

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Tommy Williams <> wrote:

> This whole thing reeks of sadness and pain.
> The security implications of this will have to be considered very
> carefully.
> On 29 Oct 2014 16:40, "Shazron" <> wrote:
> > ## What We Know So Far
> >
> > 1. Because of the file:// url loading bug, we couldn't support the
> > WKWebView in the iOS 8 GM release. It has since been fixed, for release
> > post iOS 8.1 (not sure when), through a new WKWebView API function (
> >
> > 2. The alternative is embedding a local web server and serving assets
> from
> > that
> >
> > ## Abandon file:// url Loading API Method
> >
> > My proposal is, we abandon the local file:// url loading method in (1)
> > above, since it will create problems with support.
> >
> > For example, if we support the new local file url loading API function in
> > iOS 8.2.0 (speculated) -- and a user is on 8.0.2, what then? You would
> not
> > have WKWebView support for that user, and you would use UIWebView
> instead.
> > This will just be confusing, and leads to problems.
> >
> > With the embedded local web server method, you can support **any**
> version
> > of iOS 8.x.
> >
> > ## Embrace Embedded Local Web Server Method
> >
> > I have a Cordova plugin that implements this, and it should work with
> > cordova-ios 3.7.0:
> >
> >
> > It dynamically updates the <access> tag value when it loads, overriding
> it
> > to the actual location and port. Since it is a plugin, it can be
> swappable
> > (for whatever reason).
> >
> > It does not solve the problem where any backgrounded app can access our
> > local web server.
> >
> > ## Future Steps
> >
> > This plugin is already working in cordova-ios 3.7.0 (un-released, up next
> > for vote release).
> >
> > The wkwebview branch:
> >
> > 1. Needs be rebased
> > 2. Needs to be re-tested
> > 3. issues in CB-7043 that relate to the wkwebview have to be resolved
> > 4. branch presented for review to other committers
> > 5. resolve any comments and issues from (4)
> > 6. wkwebview branch integrated into master
> >
> > I will work on these items next after getting cordova-ios 3.7.0 out. Any
> > help is welcome.
> >
> > ## Migration Issues
> >
> > If you are migrating to WKWebView from UIWebView, you will lose some
> > functionality.
> >
> > 1. No more whitelist feature (NSURLProtocol is not supported in
> WKWebView)
> > 2. Your XmlHttpRequest calls now need to be CORS compliant (this is still
> > true if loaded through a file:// url)
> > 3. HTML5 offline application cache is not available in WKWebView (
> >
> >

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