Steven Gill wrote:
> Maybe we should have it auto grab an older version of the plugin that is
> supported? Or at least a better error message telling them to try older
> versions of the plugin with cordova plugin add
> org.apache.cordova.file@VERSION

Ian Clelland wrote:
> I'd love to have the plugin registry automatically serve the
> most-recent-still-compatible version of a plugin. I don't know how that
> works when you install plugins *before* platforms, though.

I think plugman or someone at a prepare stage when a platform installs
could warn and try (network could be offline) to get a compatible version.

Note that there's an interesting problem here:

Suppose I have 1 plugin, and I install version 20 of it to my project.
I then install platform A which is happy w/ version 20.
I then install platform B which only works w/ version 19, so something
automatically installs version 19 for this platform.

If the API between the two versions isn't compatible (and we don't have an
api validator to tell the developer if it is), then the resulting app
won't work properly on that platform.

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