no mistake, but it is a requirement for us to distribute code at apache.
you are free to remove and relicense as you wish.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Martin Sidaway <> wrote:

> I'm a bit puzzled by the Apache license notice present in the following
> files after doing "cordova create":
> www/index.html
> www/js/index.js
> www/css/index.css
> The trouble is that if I begin my project by extending those files, it
> seems like the Apache license covers my changes as well as the original
> template. It also seems like I am saying that my changes are "licensed to
> the Apache Software Foundation under one or more contributor license
> agreements". And it doesn't seem like the Apache license would allow me to
> remove those notices.
> So am I right in thinking that if I want to develop software that I might
> not intend to be Apache-licensed and/or licensed to ASF, I have to delete
> these 3 files and start from scratch?
> This sort of thing seems a little inappropriate in a template. Basically
> what it means is that I have to (1) work out what the template does and
> which parts I actually need to begin a project, (2) rewrite those parts by
> hand (basic html document structure, meta/viewport tag, etc.) taking care
> not to resort to copy/paste, (3) gradually realise that the aspects of my
> app that behave inconveniently on certain platforms correspond to things I
> chose not to copy over from the template.
> Is there any other way to approach this? Is it a mistake?
> Thanks.

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