Please review and vote on the release of this plugins release.
Release issue: (contains
release notes for all plugins)
The plugins have been published to dist/dev:
The packages were published from their corresponding git tags:
cordova-plugin-camera: 0.3.5 (799ed580d3)    cordova-plugin-console: 0.2.13
(7507b29527)    cordova-plugin-contacts: 0.2.16 (95d4d176f3)
cordova-plugin-device: 0.3.0 (4330db87b9)
cordova-plugin-device-orientation: 0.3.11 (d8fd79b2ae)
cordova-plugin-dialogs: 0.3.0 (d12008f9cd)    cordova-plugin-file: 1.3.3
(b05bcff378)    cordova-plugin-file-transfer: 0.5.0 (155988881b)
cordova-plugin-geolocation: 0.3.12 (ccab812a49)
cordova-plugin-globalization: 0.3.4 (6b1e88d534)
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser: 0.6.0 (90d41e87ce)    cordova-plugin-media:
0.2.16 (10df21dea8)    cordova-plugin-media-capture: 0.3.6 (cc779375e3)
cordova-plugin-network-information: 0.2.15 (81037e29cf)
cordova-plugin-splashscreen: 1.0.0 (a9f0faa499)
cordova-plugin-statusbar: 0.1.10 (5feffc9314)
cordova-plugin-test-framework: 0.0.1 (6aad294699)
cordova-plugin-vibration: 0.3.13 (25217db403)
Upon a successful vote I will upload the archives to dist/, upload them to
the Plugins Registry, and post the corresponding blog post.
Voting guidelines:
Voting will go on for a minimum of 48 hours.
I vote +1:* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos* Ran
coho check-license to ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have
Apache-compatible licenses* Ran mobile-spec on android, and made sure it
compiled for iOS. There were only 2 failures in media, and I verified that
the same 2 errors happen with the previous plugin version

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