So, I think this is not different than downloading and running packages
from any package manager.

That said, I think a --suppress-hooks flag would be fine.  I suggest you
file a JIRA so others can chime in, and if you want it to land soon I would
take a stab at a PR.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Horn, Julian C <>

> Thanks for the pointer Shazron.  I read through all of this interesting
> discussion.  I agree that sandboxing is hard and prompting is problematic.
> But there's still an issue here.
> If there is no mechanism to exclude scripting in untrusted plugins then
> build servers are unlikely to accept any uncurated plugin, which is what
> PGBuild is doing.  The Intel XDK provides a build server.  We would like to
> support arbitrary third party plugins, not just ones we have curated.  This
> install-time hooks feature creates a major security issue for us. Under no
> circumstances are we going to allow untrusted native code to run on our
> build server.
> And thanks to Sergey for pointing out that issue with pre_package hooks!
> We were under the impression that project-level hooks could be suppressed
> by excluding the hooks directory. I see now that this isn't sufficient.
> I have a very simple suggestion: add a "--suppress-hooks" flag.  This
> doesn't prompt: it assumes the answer to the prompt is "no".
> I don't have enough experience with install hooks to know if the plugin is
> likely to be usable without running the install-time hook.  I expect that
> if you add a plugin that contains an install time hook and --suppress-hooks
> is present, then the plugin add should fail.  If there's some reason to
> believe that a plugin could be usable without running the install time
> hook, then maybe it would be interesting to have a variant of
> --suppress-hooks that bypasses the hook but allows the plugin to be
> installed anyway.
> I would also expect that --suppress-hooks would suppress pre_package time
> hooks too.
>     Julian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shazron []
> Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 4:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Plugin Install Hooks
> We did discuss this, and we rejected:
> 1. Having a prompt
> 2. Sandboxing
> Check out the discussion, for reasons:
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Horn, Julian C <>
> wrote:
> > We have identified a security issue with the recently added feature of
> install-time plugin hooks.
> >
> > As far as I can tell, there is nothing that prevents creation of a
> plugin with a malicious install-time hook script.  Adding that plugin to a
> project could corrupt the user's host machine.  If that project using that
> plugin is submitted to a build server, then the build server could be
> corrupted.
> >
> > Yes, you can use lower level plugman scripts to fetch plugins and then
> pre-scan them for install time hooks and track down all the dependencies
> and scan them too.  So this is fixable (on a build server), but it's a lot
> of extra work; "cordova plugin add" should not be an unsafe operation.
> >
> > I propose that the CLI should check to see if a plugin requires an
> install-time hook and require the user to explicitly grant permission
> before executing the install hook.  A build server would always deny
> permission.
> >
> > Is there something I'm missing here?
> >
> >     Julian
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