Proceeding with the wkwebview -> 4.x branch merge next week, and also
rebase/merge 4.x off master to pickup the latest master bits.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Shazron <> wrote:
> Reviving this thread. After the hangout today, the proposal now is:
> 1. Integrate the "wkwebview" (pluggable webviews) branch into the 4.x
> branch, instead of releasing it for the 3.8.0 branch. This is so it
> will be aligned with cordova-android 4.x which has pluggable webviews
> 2. Once tested and reviewed, release cordova-ios 4.x branch
> In effect:
> - pluggable webviews will not exist in any 3.x version
> - any new 3.x releases will be security/critical fixes only, no new features
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Shazron <> wrote:
>> I am proposing to integrate the aforementioned branch into the
>> mainline, for a cordova-ios 3.8.0 release in the future.
>> I will do testing using mobile-spec and the core plugins before I do
>> this merge, and report back my findings to the list (including docs).
>> I intend to spend the rest of the week on this.
>> Contrary to the name of the branch, this does *not* include direct
>> WKWebView support. It merely re-factors some of the cordova-ios code
>> so that the webview used can be loaded as a plugin.
>> The default webview engine used will always be UIWebView if not
>> specified, and it is included as a plugin in the core platform. Each
>> webview engine handles parsing its own preferences, and setting up its
>> own bridge (however, this is still dependent on cordova.js having the
>> bridge support -- perhaps in the future each webview plugin can set
>> its own bridge independently of cordova-js repo).
>> Related notes below -- but the state of the plugins below do *not*
>> block the wkwebview branch merge at all.
>> Related notes:
>> --------------------------
>> The WKWebView engine plugin which requires the cordova-ios/wkwebview
>> branch, resides in
>> The WKWebView engine plugin is dependent on this local-webserver plugin:
>> The local-webserver plugin is in experimental stage -- it still needs
>> to be tested with the Camera and File plugin since it facilitates
>> setting a url transformer that maps urls to the appropriate localhost
>> urls. Camera already has this code integrated, File has a pull request
>> pending. Those are the only two plugins affected.
>> Task list:

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