Great enthusiasm!

Mark is currently at ApacheCon and then taking a few vacation days, so I'm
not sure if he will answer this quickly.  Figured I'd chime in for now.

I think that exactly as you say, the PlatformProject work was started by
Mark as a way to separate the divide between platforms and lib.  This
experiment I think came out of discussions on how best to move out the
platform parsers (search ML for "Move platform parsers from CLI to
platforms" started by Steven Gill).

I also emphasize earlier points that these are experiments and are totally
open for re-design.  I don't have concrete steps to propose for going
forward, but sounds like you already have some good ideas.

Another topic that came out of discussion at Hangout was to create a
cleaner cordova-lib-core, still leaving it within the cordova-lib repo.
High-level strawman suggests this core would not do various input parsing
or make any assumptions about project directory structure, but would have a
very strict and simple interface, which various higher levels use to do
with it what they will.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Rob Paveza <>

> This is a cool project.  I'm curious, how much work do you think it'd be
> to refactor the cordova CLI to interact with the projects via the
> PlatformProject interface?  We've been talking about how we could pull some
> of the cordova-lib platform-specific dependencies out and put them into the
> platforms (one example that comes to mind is having platform-specific
> parameters on plugin), so that platform-specific code lives in the platform
> implementation rather than cordova-lib.  Having each platform derive from
> PlatformProject seems like an excellent first step, since (at least between
> -lib and -windows) once -lib hands off the project to the platform code,
> it's just go time.
> What do you think the next steps are in terms of your API shape and
> plans?  Where do you see needing help most, where can I pitch in to get
> your project going more?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Koudritsky []
> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 12:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: Experimenting with API for cordova tooling
> From today's hangout discussion, here are the links to our experiments
> with using cordova tooling via API rather than CLI.
> It is loosely based on my older experiments here
> But his time there is a separate wrapper that exposes a more object
> oriented API and reaches deeper into cordova-lib. It introduces a central
> object called PlatformProject that represents a single platform. The
> wrapper is here:
> Please consider it experimental and feel free to fork and play with it.
> A demo app that uses this wrapper
> The ServiceWorker-to-Cordova script that uses the same wrapper
> I'll also be giving a presentation about this at ApacheCon next week,
> draft slides are here

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