Thanks Matt!

Not sure what's going on with JIRA, but I created an issue for it:

ICLA's are required only for big changes (though still a nice thing to have
on file). I'll go ahead and merge.

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Matt Steele <> wrote:

> Hi folks, I'd like to contribute a change to cordova-lib but am a little
> confused by the contribution guidelines.
> In particular, I'd like to create a ticket in JIRA, but I can't quite seem
> to figure out how. I haven't used JIRA before, but I assumed I could create
> an issue using the blue "Create" button, but that seems to be a dead end (I
> can create a Service Desk request, but I don't think that's the same
> thing?)
> I also need to still sign the ICLA, but I'll do that soon.
> Anyhow, my PR should be simple and available here:
> Could someone point me in the right direction to get started creating an
> issue, so I can finish the workflow? Thanks!

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