So I looked into adding warnings into the registry that users who are
trying to publish/adduser would get, but it won't work.

If plugman publish is successful, plugman does nothing. If plugman publish
fails, plugman will output the error that the registry sends.

Once we switch the registry to read-only, I'll add an error message that
tells users to publish to npm and points them to the appropriate guide.

At the last hangout we discussed delaying switching the registry over to
read only until Aug 15thish. We should discuss what else needs to happen
for us to hit this.

The next tools release, plugman looses all commands related to the registry
(publish, unpublish, adduser, owner). I'll be starting that release right
after iOS 3.9.0 is done releasing.

I am going to spend time tomorrow trying to gather the emails of people who
are still publishing and send them an email asking them to move over to


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