Hey folks,

Sorry, I only just caught up with this discussion today. There is now a 
prototype of the docs/website rework, which addresses points 1-4, and it’s 
temporarily deployed here: http://cordova.io/use-the-force-luke (the link is 
arbitrary so that it’s not accidentally crawlable).


On Aug 5, 2015, at 5:57 AM, Andrey Kurdumov 
<kant2...@googlemail.com<mailto:kant2...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

Hi all,

I want to made small improvements to the current version of Docs meanwhile
Dmitry Blotsky working on Jekill. Want do discuss proposed changes before
implementing them.

My ultimate goal is to be able publish each version of docs/language
independently. I want faster releases for fixes in translation and docs,
and be able fix older docs too.
Please correct me if this is not possible with existing infrastructure.

Here list of things:
1. Separate version dropdown on two parts. Language and version. Right now
if you try select non English version you have to scroll over English
versions a lot.
2. Provide warning about not latest documentation (Using JS) Will put
current version in the docs and check some JSON fiels which will list all
versions per language.
3. Provide No Javascript version of langauge selector checkboxes.
4. Create new source file for language TOC.md which will be used for
generating left sidebar in the existing docs design. So far, that TOC would
duplicate Overview page as it is now, but want to improve it further later
on. That's breaking change which affects older docs, so I will create such
TOC files for these old docs too, and verify that existing output would be
exactly the same as it is now.

To implement that I want to create new shared area on the website
`docs/common` folder and `docs/<lang>/common` folder. That folders will
a) `docs/common/langdata.json` - JSON with list of languages + latest
version per language
b) `docs/ru/versionselector.html` - HTML file where use could change
language or version when JS is disabled in browser.

I extremely want create 1 and 2 before next release. That's rather small
changes, but need community agreement on implementing that.

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