The structure isn't a big deal to me, because it seems to work fine in
Android Studio how it is.

Moving plugins to maven as .aar files is actually possible now by using a
maven ref in a <framework> within you plugin.xml.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Joe Bowser <> wrote:

> Hey
> So, as you know, Google switched from supporting Eclipse to supporting
> their IntelliJ based Android Studio IDE, and in an effort to keep up, we
> followed them, somewhat.  One thing we didn't do is update our project
> structure so it works similar to an Android Studio one, and there's a
> reason we didn't do that.
> The reason is that Android didn't do that.  If you autogenerate an Android
> project from the command line, even if you use Gradle (which should be the
> default, but still isn't for some reason), you still get the old
> eclipse-style structure that we're currently using.  I've been making tiny
> changes so that we can use Cordova as a library, but then there's these
> development problems that I really don't have the answers to:
> 1. Where do tests live for plugins? People who contribute want JUnit tests
> to make sure the native code works.  I want them as well, but our current
> plugin system has no support for this and people don't seem super
> interested in changing this when I have off-list private conversations,
> which is why I'm bringing it up here.
> 2. Should plugins be AAR/Projects instead of just code?  Honestly, I think
> this would make more sense than trying to guess what the structure of a
> Java project is.  I want to support users regardless of how they create
> their Android project instead of just saying that using the Cordova CLI is
> the one and only way, and I think people who use this in Enterprise
> environments would agree with me.  Although, I haven't explicitly asked
> anyone, which is why I'm bringing this up here.
> 3. If we keep the current way of loading Android code as plugins, how do we
> support all the IDE structures? Currently cordova-lib only supports the
> current Android project structure, and if I was to extend it, Android
> Studio would have to be its own platform, which isn't correct, since it's
> just a different project directory structure.
> I'm interested in what people think in this, and whether we should bother
> with these use cases, or just say that everyone has to use the old
> structure until Google changes their minds, or whatever.
> Thoughts?
> Joe

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