sounds good to me! Sounds like we need to.


On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Steven Gill <> wrote:

> Due to file-transfer, media and media-capture having a dependency on the
> file plugin, I propose we do a few patch/major releases for those plugins.
> Currently, the file dependency for these three plugins was set to grab new
> majors automatically. This was a pretty big problem when people working
> with cordova-android@4.x installed file-transfer and it was grabbing a
> version of file that wasn't compatible.
> I updated the deps so it would only grab minor and patch changes. See
> I suggest we do the following releases where 1.x.x would have file ^3.0.0
> and 2.x.x would have file ^4.0.0:
> File-transfer@1.4.1 & 2.0.0.
> media@1.0.2 & 2.0.1
> media-capture@1.1.1 & 2.0.0

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