We built a Cordova app that wraps a remote site.  The only HTML page
bundled in our app redirects to our remote site on load.  I was new to
Cordova at the time and was looking for the fastest way possible to get the
app out the door.  To do so I modified the generated iOS and Android
projects with the hooks I felt I needed in order to inject Cordova
components and plugins into the remote site.  It seems to be working for us
and has been accepted by both app stores.

I'd like to package up the modifications for this as a plugin as we plan to
build other apps in the same manner.  I've been familiarizing myself with
the plugin architecture and am not sure if what I need is exposed on both
platforms and thus this email to the dev list.  I'm looking for guidance on
how to implement the hooks I've listed below as a plugin.  The end goal is
to inject the Cordova components and plugins and allow the user to retry
loading the site upon error.  Below are details of the changes I made.  I'm
going to keep digging on my own but any direction would be greatly

Brad Reynolds

## iOS

iOS was pretty simple to get up and running.  The generated
MainViewController had page life cycle methods that I was able to easily
hook into and inject Cordova.

### MainViewController.m Changes:

1. Implemented `webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)theWebView` to inject
Cordova components.

To allow the user to retry reloading the current page upon failure:

1. Implemented `webView:(UIWebView *)theWebView
didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error`.

## Android

Android was more difficult or at least I had to look for something other
than page events.  The end result was I used Android's
`@JavascriptInterface` mechanism to make a JS object available that would
inject Cordova into the current page.  As a result all loaded pages needed
to look for this object and invoke an initialization function on it.

1. Subclassed SystemWebViewEngine and added config.xml entry to use our
2. Subclassed SystemWebView and returned from our engine.
3. Within our SystemWebView subclass added a JavascriptInterface providing
a hook back into Android. When invoked this told the Adroid code it was
time to inject Cordova.

To allow the user to retry reloading the current page:

1. Implemented MainActivity.onReceivedError(...).

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