Nikhil and team have expressed interest in using cordova-paramedic for more
of our cordova CI work. This is approach that I explored last year but
ultimately dropped because I couldn't keep up with changes needed to keep
it running as a CI. The main issue I had was that TravisCI could only build
for iOS OR Android, and could not do both.  Similarily, AppVeyor could do
Windows OR Android, but not both.  This lead to tests that looked as if
they had passed, even though changes had been committed to untested
platforms. Given that there is more interest, we can probably find a way to
push through these issues, and have true github integration so we can see
if a pull request is failing tests. I was also not able to get the WP8
emulator running in a CI environment, although this is now not a much of a
concern as it is deprecated. Some stuff is also harder to test in a CI
emulator/simulator, like camera, where some user interaction is needed.

Currently cordova-paramedic is managed through my own repo, although Apache
licenced. This was so that I could iterate quickly, and publish to npm
without going through voting procedures. Given that others will be
committing, I have asked infra to create a new repo [1] for it to live in.
This way we can all commit without legal hurdles.



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