Github user riknoll commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: ---
    @@ -538,3 +540,263 @@ Android also supports a special filesystem named 
"documents", which represents a
     * `root`: The entire device filesystem
     By default, the library and documents directories can be synced to iCloud. 
You can also request two additional filesystems, `library-nosync` and 
`documents-nosync`, which represent a special non-synced directory within the 
`/Library` or `/Documents` filesystem.
    +## Sample: Create Files and Directories, Write, Read, and Append files ##
    +The File plugin allows you to do things like store files in a temporary or 
persistent storage location for your app (sandboxed storage). The code snippets 
in this section demonstrate different tasks including:
    +* Accessing the file system
    +* Using cross-platform Cordova file URLs to store your files (see _Where 
to Store Files_ for more info)
    +* Creating files and directories
    +* Writing to files
    +* Reading files
    +* Appending files
    +## Create a persistent file
    +Before you can use the File plugin APIs, you must get access to the file 
system using `requestFileSystem`. When you do this, you can request either 
persistent or temporary storage. Persistent storage will not be removed unless 
permission is granted by the user.
    +When you get file system access, access is granted for the sandboxed file 
system only (the sandbox limits access to the app itself), not for general 
access to any file system location on the device. For more information about 
location-specific URLs, see _Where to Store Files_.
    +Here is a request for persistent storage.
    +>*Note* When targeting devices (instead of a browser), you dont need to 
use `requestQuota` before using persistent storage.
    +window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fs) {
    +    console.log('file system open: ' +;
    +    createPersistentFile("newPersistentFile.txt");
    +}, onErrorLoadFs);
    +Once you have access, you generally want to use the Cordova file URLs, 
like `cordova.file.dataDirectory`, where possible (see _Where to Store Files_). 
This will hide implementation details related to the file locations. To use a 
Cordova file URL, call `window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL`. The success callback 
receives a DirectoryEntry object as input. You can use this object to create or 
get a file (by calling `getFile`).
    +The success callback for `getFile` receives a FileEntry object. You can 
use this to perform file write and file read operations.
    +function createPersistentFile(fileName) {
    +    // Return a DirectoryEntry using Cordova file URLs.
    +    window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory, function 
(dirEntry) {
    --- End diff --
    If you are trying to write a file to the sandboxed storage location, I 
believe you can just call `fs.root.getFile()` (where `fs` comes from 
`requestFileSystem`) instead of calling 
`window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory, ...)` first.

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