Hello cordova dev team,

I have an issue with Windows Phone 8.1, the "windows" platform and icon fonts. 
Since wp8 is deprecated, I thought I'd better switch to platform "windows". 
This came to a grinding halt because the icons are not rendered correctly. The 
issue first showed in Sencha Touch 2.4.2, but I have made a minimal sample app 
to rule out Sencha Touch issues, which is available at 

The cordova version currently installed on my computer is 6.1.1 with platforms 
windows 4.1.0 and wp8 3.8.2 (deprecated).

For this test I just compiled the wp8 and the windows version using

-          cordova build wp8 windows

then opened both solutions in Visual Studio 2015, set the "Windows Phone 8.1" 
in CordovaApp.sln project as my default project, and deployed the two projects 
to my phone (Nokia Lumia 535, Windows 8.10.14234.375).

*         In platform "wp8", the icon font is used to render the icons.

*         In platform "windows", a standard font is used (which looks really 
bad with icon fonts).
What should happen is that the icon font is used as well.

Kind regards,


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